Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The background is blue which stimulates calmness, peace, love, honesty, truth, emotional depth and devotion.
The font is green, yellow blue and white stimulates balance, harmony, love, communication, social, nature, acceptance, calmness, peace, honesty, kindness, truth, fun, humour and logic
The magazine background is red which stimulates stamina, physician energy, vitality, grounding, stability, spontaneity and passion.
The font is white and yellow which stimulates humor, lightness, fun, personal power, intellect, logic and creativity.
The magazine background is orange and white which stimulates creativity, productivity, pleasure, optimism, enthusiasm and emotional expression you can see this because she is laughing.
The writing is black and blue which stimulates calmness, peace, love, honesty, truth, emotional depth and devotion.


This is a good start and you have the basics here. However, this does not have a huge amount of detail and you will need to explain your answer more.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

magazine titles and cover lines

10 Magazine Titles

Find the latest and nicest clothes for you 

Updates on all the latest gossip 
Easy ways to make quick money off clothes 

Clothes that appeal to you 
All the latest gossip
Fresh winter looks for you 

update on everything thats happened in the week

lose 1 stone in 2 weeks

make your wardrobe better
All the latest and nicest jewellery